Words. They can carry so much weight, in light of any situation. Whether they are racing through your mind or rolling off the tip of your tongue. They’re monumental, colossal, and yet sometimes prosaic and mundane. Sometimes their meaning is blatant, other times subliminal. Words placed together in just the right order can have transformative power. This doesn’t mean these words have to be complex or even grand, simple words such as “actually, I can” can be significant enough to inspire change, motivate, or simply resonate with someone; to allow them to feel validated. At least for some of us. We here at Love Mala spend hours pinning thoughts, words, and ideas to inspire us, no matter what the context. Words can find a way to heal you, inform you, to drive and excite you. And isn’t that lovely?
Sometimes in life, with all of its charming, sometimes chaotic, but mostly favorable moments, it’s really nice to have words to lean on and to pull strength and resolve from (or at least we think so). We personally like these words in the form of quotes. Now before we get into the nitty-gritty, we’ve made our cheese factor (aka sappiness levels) abundantly clear here on Love Mala, but we wouldn’t say that the overtly cheesy, inspirational quotes that you’d find in Michael Scott’s office are our go-to necessarily. That’s not to say they’re undervalued, because an obvious “kick ass” or “keep it you” is always appreciated!
The two of us frequently bond over being drawn to quotes that can help clarify a situation, substantiate feelings, and/or to simply light a spark. Whether we are really down in the dumps, are trying to find the courage to do something hard or new, or are floating on cloud 9, finding quotes that are applicable to our current moment in life can be incredibly transformative and truly life changing – at least for us. Quotes that remind you to find grace within yourself, to choose love over everything else (including but certainly not limited to loving yourself), and to see the beauty and principle in certain situations. Quotes that give you the strength to hold on, or to let go. Quotes that remind you that, hey, you are totally rad, and should remember that always. The ones that will fill you full of beaming love during the best of times but also see you through, when you are tackling something challenging and seemingly relentless. We suppose the beauty of quotes is that they rid you of feeling isolated, no matter the event. Happy. Sad. Nervous. Ecstatic. Someone’s been there, someone’s done that and it’s all been felt before and there’s something more comforting about that than maybe even the original satisfaction of the quote. See, the internet is a beautiful thing these days, connecting you with others who share life experiences, traumas, joys – it’s a sense of family (sort of) - for us, through finding those perfect words reminds us that we are not alone in anything we are going through, happy or sad; there are people out there who get it; get you. And without getting too ridiculous and philosophical over here maybe that what is about, feeling understood, included, and complete.
If we had to sit here and tell you all of our favorite quotes, well, you would literally be here for days. So on that note, here are a few that are close to our hearts at this moment in our lives. Who knows, maybe some of you will be touched by our favorite words too!
Opportunity is missed by people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
- Thomas Edison
Let everything happen to you. Beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Do everything with so much love in your heart that you would never want to do it any other way.
- Unknown
Never argue with someone who believes their own lies.
If you look after goodness and truth, beauty will take care of itself.
- Eric Gill
Our worlds collided, and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.
– R. M. Drake
Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don't judge or categorize someone else, when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting someone's differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn't handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of another's weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other.
- Elder Marvin J. Ashton
Unfuck yourself. Be who you were before all that stuff happened that dimmed your fucking shine.
- Unknown
Be gentile with yourself, you’re doing the best you can.
- Unknown
So there. It seems we’ve made some kind of self-discovery, or maybe not, but at the very least you know just how much we love quotes over here. Enough, is the answer. Feel free to comment here and let us know your favorite quotes/words that have inspired you. Share the love, people! And with that, we bid you lovely pals, adieu.
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