And just like that, I'm blonde! My adventures as a blonde, started not that long ago in a far away land known by the Natives as Not So Plain Janes. It's a quaint yet trendy little shop tucked away in the foothills, just south of the great White Mountains. Okay, okay, you probably didn't come here for some lengthy geographical story of my hair salon and while that place is the bees knees, I'd much rather tell you about my thoughts on dramatic change, hair color, and all of that fun stuff!
I'll start off by saying that being in the business of living as a blonde has been very exciting and fun! I am not sure about them "having more fun" (I'll report back on this later, once I gather more data) but the actual change, in and of itself, has been very fun!
This story begins with a little brunette dreamer, who within the last year, had been thinking she was ready to go lighter all over. With the support and encouragement of several dear friends and her husband, she decided to embark on her mission. Mind you, I've never even dyed the root of my hair, so a change like this was going to be pretty monumental for me. While I loved my brown hair, I was inspired by the ombré I had done last fall and how much I really liked the blonde throughout my hair. Now, I'll be straight with you, I have always really liked my dark brown hair. You know, we all have qualities about ourselves that we like more than others and that was one of them for me. So, with that being said, one day, as I was scouring the web, I came across just the right color and style, that was exactly for me. I wanted to make a grand-all-over-blonde change but still maintain my dark roots, which is precisely what my magician of a hairstylist, Amy did. She's a true alchemist, I tell you, going from dark brown to light blonde in ONE session and getting that kind of lift without a hint of damage, genius! I love how she recreated this look for me because it enables me to keep my dark roots (the essence of me--in my mind any way), while still getting that all over bright blonde change!
As excited and happy as I am now with my blonde hair, I will be honest, the first evening, right after I had had it done, I went through a roller coaster, doozy of emotions. This in no way had anything to do with how my hair turned out but more to do with such a drastic change. A head that I wasn't quite used to looking at. And as I mentioned, this was the first time I had ever colored my whole head, up until now it's been ombré and turquoise dye on the ends of my hair. Much to my surprise, get your laughs ready, that roller coaster crap after a big change, apparently, is a pretty normal thing. I won't pretend to be in "the know" here, as much as I loved how my new hair looked, I didn't expect to wrestle with my decision with it. But then again, I had never made such a big change and as it turns out that's completely normal. Good news, it was short lived! But back to the story, when I first finished getting my hair done that afternoon, I was ecstatic, thrilled, over-the-freaking-moon. And then as the next few hours rolled by, the reality set in that the majority of my hair was no longer brunette (which you're probably thinking "duh Lauren, that's what you asked for" and you're right, it was exactly what I wanted) but somehow, in some ridiculous way, I was mourning the loss of my mostly brunette head. Which in and of itself made me feel T-totally ridiculous! The exchange of emotions went pretty much like this "oh my god, this is great, it's look exactly how I imagined, wow!" to "holy holy holy crap! what have I even DONE?!". And here's where you can really just laugh and maybe even roll your eyes a little at my silliness but I even went through my old pictures of my dark brown hair. Y'all. It was pathetic and while I am a little bit of an over-exaggerator, this part only actually lasted a few minutes but I feel that it is a necessary part to the story, as it might give relief/assurance to any gals or guys who want to make a big change but are stupid nervous, like me. Luckily, within a few hours, I came to wonderful terms with my new found hair, and just like I said before, my brunette hair was still right there in the roots and hadn't gone anywhere!
Needless to say, I am really loving my blonde hair and it's been such an awesome change. Who know's how long it'll stick but I will certainly enjoy it while it lasts! Side note, Cody has really enjoyed the change as well! After jokingly not letting me in our house because he "didn't recognize me" and being all "stranger danger", he said "darling, you look great with both...but you make blonde hot!".
And this little newfound blonde dreamer lived happily ever after. But seriously, now that we can all agree that I'm behind the times on what to expect when dying your hair, I hope more than anything this gives any of you pals who are looking to make a bold and big change, a little more confidence to do so. And at the very least, a chuckle at my goofiness. Until next time folks, adiós!
xoxo, the little blonde mermaid
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