Two convivial girls with a shared love of a surprising amount of things including fashion, makeup, traveling, and more!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

What We Wish We Knew Sooner


It's a funny thing to think of how much life changes, even with 5 or 10 years time, especially when you're young. In that amount of time there can be innumerable and colossal differences in who you were and are, what you know, what you believe, and how you choose to live. 

With all things considered, it's always interesting to think where you are now and how you got there. The experiences you had that made you who you are today and the lessons you had to learn, maybe multiple times, maybe just one hard time. If you could write a letter to your younger self, what would you say? What do you wish you could have or would have known sooner? 

Today, we will be talking about things we wish we knew back in the good-ole days, where we thought we knew everything, but looking back we knew so little; if there could have been a wiser, older voice inside either of our heads, what it might have said. It's not to say we regret any lessons we had to learn because realistically, who we are today is a culmination of our pasts and the lessons (hard or not) and trials and beautiful experiences we got to live and go through. 

So, here's to that little voice and what it might have had to say. 

  • for starters, if the cooked meat has been in the fridge for longer than six days, don't eat it, regardless of what you think it smells like. just don't.
  • keep your expectations in check, be realistic, set yourself up for no disappointment and you'll be happier for it.
  • live off of your own confidence and self-worth and you won't be offended by another's misguided criticism. who you are isn't defined by others' opinions.
  • when you make healthy and right decisions for yourself, things will begin to fall into place as they should, things always have a way of working themselves out. they just do.
  • you will have the love to last a lifetime, keep not settling. don't compromise who you are for someone else. someone will love you for you.
  • ease up on the lower lash liner.
  • and while you're at it, that mystical dry shampoo unicorn you've heard of and are curious about, just go grab yourself some, it's going to change e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.
  • kind words cost nothing.
  • people act, believe, and think differently and therefore, set different expectations for themselves. remember this, and you'll fare far better in getting along and understanding others.
  • embrace that unbridled passion and love and give it to those you love unconditionally and endlessly.
  • look for beauty with your heart, and ears, and mind. if with just your eyes, you'll lose sight of some beauty in the world.
  • life is going to get a lot easier, when you learn to accept an apology you never got.
  • always, always be kinder than you feel. 
  • celebrate the little things.
  • don't ever miss an opportunity to share with the person or people you love. life goes by so fast, and as cliché as it sounds, it can be gone in the blink of an eye. so don't ever. ever. take your time for granted with those you love, and soak up as much as you can, while you can.
  • just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right. 
  • nothing will feel as good as doing the work, wholeheartedly and genuinely. don't be afraid to go for it.
  • let only people who are good tenants rent space in your mind.
  • focus on your own shit.
  • say yes to new adventures. regularly. 
  • fall in love with as many things as possible and live in love. 
  • unlimited sodas a day is not okay. it's not.
  • learn to eat healthy and establish a good exercise routine early. time flies, and your metabolism will catch up with you, so do the work while it's easy so you can maintain rather than correct.
  • you do not need a million friends to be happy. just the few that care. trust me, it's better that way.
  • life is full of decisions. there is no wrong decision. if you don't like the one you just made, make another. 
  • treat yourself every once and a while - you deserve it whether you think you do or not. 
  • stop box-dying your hair, girl. you have no clue what you are doing. seek professional help immediately.
  • make as much time as you can with your pets. their whole day revolves around seeing you when you come home from class/work. appreciate the unconditional love.
  • people have a right to their own opinion, and you have just as much right to ignore it.
  • if something is toxic, work to remove it. as huge as that may seem to tackle, your life will be so much more peaceful if you can eliminate toxic people and experiences
  • keep things simple and honest.
  • don't sit around and wait for an idea to get things started, get things started so you can have ideas.
  • the universe is a gigantic place and you're small, act accordingly.
  • do good work.
  • do everything with so much love in your heart that you couldn't think of doing it any other way.

xoxo,  your pals who would have loved to know this stuff way-back-when.


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