Two convivial girls with a shared love of a surprising amount of things including fashion, makeup, traveling, and more!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Taking Care Of Our Men, Who Take Care Of Us


**Cue the music** - reunited and it feels so goooooood! Lo has finished her cross-country trip, and is back together with Mal on the blog! So we wanted to jump right back in and talk about one of our favorite things - our husbands! 

This is not a sponsored post, but we have teamed up with our friends over at nuts.com to give you some awesome tools to make healthy food choices for you and your man. 

As wives, we find ourselves giggling over the silly and wonderfully goofy men we married. But the truth is, what would we do without these guys? These men, who make our worlds totally rock and who find a way, no matter what's going on in life, to be supportive and encouraging and are truly the most genuine definition of what it takes to be a good husband - unparalleled in their ability to love, appreciative and understanding beyond measure, and unyielding in their support. A part of being immensely grateful for all that these guys do for us and our families is making sure to reciprocate that care both, emotionally, mentally, and physically. 

Being born-nurturers, this step practically comes second-nature for both of us. Making sure to set aside quality time is so significant, especially in such a fast-paced world, just to remind that person how much you genuinely enjoy being around them. We both also find that a good outdoors adventure is a darn near perfect recipe for fostering all kinds of cathartic happiness and bonding. And who doesn't love sappy hour bonding time?! And while planning activities is kind of like a seesaw act between each of us, it's good to take the reigns sometimes and plan a fun day out with and for your partner.

Taking care of our men extends far beyond adventure-planning and can be as simple as doing little things in their daily routine, that will make their lives happier, healthier and will actually benefit us both. Whether it's by creating healthy snacks on the go or setting aside time regularly to work out, it is something that we each feel is very important and as do our men. 

While Cody and Travis are great at maintaining an active lifestyle and consistent gym routine, we help support them by fueling their bodies, and ours too, with good foods and snacks such as these energy bites. These contain superfoods like flax and chia seeds, which are chock full of protein and complex carbs. By making treats like these, they help to give you longer lasting energy and keep you full and not reaching for foods that cancel out all of your hard work! And just about any body can appreciate that! For any of you pals interested, there will be more on on the blog later about our favorite healthy snack-alternatives, stay tuned! 

If there's one thing we know, it's that there are many little steps that we can take to help out our guys and show just how much we care. And it works both ways! We are both thankful for our spouses, who are a great balance of supportive and helpful, yet self-sufficient and proactive. There are so many great things you can do to help each other lead happy and healthy lives. Our pals over at nuts.com (no, this is not a prank - it really is a rad website, don't be afraid) sent us this awesome info-graphic with 5 easy tips that will help your guy (and anyone, truly) lead a healthier lifestyle! 

If you love to eat (and who doesn't), you should definitely give nuts.com a peak - they have so many options for food - and it will come straight to your door! They have - obviously, nuts - but also dried fruits, sweets, coffee and tea, and even gluten-free options! And they have an extensive healthy snack section! And what we really love about these guys is they roast their nuts and pop their corn the day it ships to you, so you know you're getting the freshest of the fresh!

As you can see, some of the things we mentioned such as exercising and eating well can make such a monumental difference, and with today's busy world, it's so great when you can help take care of each other by doing little things here and there. Showing you care can transcend bigger things like date night and can be as simple as making your guy or gal's favorite healthy-inspired meal or making an active effort of going to bed an hour earlier, to get in that much needed rest. Who knows, going to bed earlier may even lead to a early wake up call for a wholesome and nutritious breakfast! 

Taking care of yourself and each other can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be, but devoting that time will mean so much in the long run. And in today's world we feel it's a good practice and habit to be in in general - take care of each other you guys, the world needs more of that. We love y'all!

xoxo, your nutty pals


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